Saturday 4 July 2009

Garden Note #1

I remember reading an article, many years ago now, about an elderly lady who said that by spending 30 minutes in her garden every day she kept on top of things and her garden had never been a problem to her.

This seemed like a sensible way of going about things and every few years it comes to mind but it's never really taken root. I guess like all things you have to make the time to begin with. Once things get on top of you it's all to easy to think 'well just 30 minutes won't make much difference... there's not much point' and not bother to get started.

Over the next few weeks I am going to spend a little time working in the garden every day and see what a difference it makes. (Maybe I could try that with the housework as well - but not just yet!)

So what did I do today?

Well, the French beans that I sowed directly into the ground failed to materialise (old seeds) and only about 2/3rds of the Kenyan beans that I sowed in pots germinated. I decided to have one more try with the Kenyan beans. I cleared out the old 1/2 barrel, lifting the hyacinth bulbs to dry and store to replant later and replacing the top few inches of compost. I also emptied a squat pot in which I have been growing crocus for the last couple of years. I then sowed more beans in both of these - fingers crossed!

Years ago I grew poached egg plants (limnanthes) as companion plants. I remember being told that you would only ever need to buy one packet of seeds because they seed themselves readily. What they meant was 'you will never be rid of them'. They are attractive flowers and the bees love them but they don't last for long. They have died down now so I scooped up several bucket fulls of their remains and underneath the ground was carpeted with seeds...

I also rescued some primulas growing in a pot that were being suffocated by some beefy weeds. I took them out of the pot and replanted them.

Being in the town it is always a treat when nature pays a visit. Today there was a chaffinch singing beautifully from it's perch on the neighbours T.V. ariel.

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